This year for Ash Wednesday we are collaborating with Missio Dei, a family of churches in Chicago. They will be hosting us at their Wrigleyville location, 1242 W Addison St. This combined service will be led by some of their pastors as well as Pastor Matt and Maggie. You can expect a short sermon, moving musical worship, a contemplative time of confession, and the imposition of ashes. This is a beautiful opportunity to come together with other Christians as we embrace on the journey to the cross together. 

Since Ash Wednesday falls on Valentines day this year, please consider adjusting any V-Day plans so that you can join us in this contemplative service celebrating humanity’s deep need for God.  While children are allowed to participate, we encourage families with younger kids to find at-home childcare for this service. We are happy to reimburse childcare up to $50 a family. Talk to Bekah or use the contact form on our website to request reimbursement.