Known primarily as a sculptor from in the California Bay Area, Helen Dannelly began a new, groundbreaking series of paintings on paper after moving to Chicago in 2015. Expansive, vibrant, and complex, these abstract paintings are created using the unusual and immediate medium of translucent alcohol-based inks on Yupo, a synthetic watercolor paper.
Crystal Neubauer is a Mixed Media Artist drawn to the broken, cast out, and overlooked items of the past. She sees beauty in the mundane, brings new life to forgotten objects, and finds the process of salvaging old materials and creating new art to be therapeutic and healing. As her work evolves, a more complete understanding of her work and why she chooses to use materials that others see as trash comes to light.
September 2017 – November 2017 Originally from a small agricultural community in Northern California, Marissa has traveled widely and lived […]
Winter of 2016 through Spring of 2017 Featured images from the two-part Inaugural Group Exhibition of the First Free Sanctuary […]