Current Series

The Psalmist describes salvation like this, “He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” (Psalm 18:19). Yet, so many of us feel like our lives are closing in around us with too many commitments and responsibilities. Jesus famously says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Yet, sometimes our faith life leaves us feeling extra weary, more burdened, and further from rest than we were before we started. This summer, we want to focus on the practices and promises of the sustainable and restful spirituality found in the Way of Jesus. What if the call of Jesus isn’t actually to do more, but to do less with greater intention?

Recent Series

Exploring the light and love of God and its implications for our lives as we seek to become people of love…

This year our Lenten series was titled A Table in the Wilderness: Feasting and Fasting in the Gospels. When we…

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus changes everything. Join us during the season of Epiphany…

This year for the season of Advent, we are leaning into an Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God-With-Us, Then…

In this series we spend time in Paul’s ancient letter to the church in Ephesus…

We welcome some fabulous guest speakers from in and around the Chicago area…

Embracing the Holy Spirit in Healthy and Holistic Ways | Starting with Pentacost Sunday, we’ll be kicking…

Learning to follow the way of Jesus through the Sermon on the Mount.  In these famous words, Jesus offers us…

The season of Advent is the Christian time of preparation, waiting, and anticipation of Christ’s com…

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